Sodus Central School District

Web Page Approval Form


Please complete this form and return it to the District Technology Coordinator.

Name of group or club ______________________ Responsible Adult ___________________

Building _________________________________

List all students and staff members who will be developing this web page.

_______________________________ ____________________________

_______________________________ ____________________________

Please indicate the purpose of the web page. ________________________________________




Please list the educational value this web page will serve. ____________________________




All Sodus CSD Web Pages must be updated to reflect current information. Please outline a plan on how your page will be updated and include a time line indicating the updates.




Who will be updating your web page? ____Student ____Staff

Name ________________________________________

** Microsoft Front Page Software training is required for the staff member developing web pages using our software. If you already know how to use web page development software, please indicate the name of that software.


If Microsoft Front Page software is going to be used please indicate what computer it needs to be installed on. Room # _______ Computer - Right _____ Left _____

Platform - Macintosh _____ PC _____

APPROVED Signature Date

Technology Coordinator ______________________________ ___________

Building Principal ___________________________ __________